Pima County P20 Council
The P-20 Education Council of Southern Arizona
The P-20 Education Council of Southern Arizona is chaired by the University of Arizona (UA) President and includes the UA Executive Vice President/Provost, UA Vice President for Enrollment Management, UA College of Education Dean and other selected Deans involved with teacher education/preparatio; Superintendents in Southern Arizona; the Pima Community College (PCC) Chancellor and Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor; and the Cochise College President.
This Council was established before the Governor's statewide P-20 Council by Manuel Pacheco, UA President Emeritus, in spring 1997 as the Pre-K-16 Education Council of Southern Arizona. It was further developed under the leadership of Peter Linkins, UA Presidente Emeritus, beginning in fall 1997 and evolved into the current P-20 Education Council of Southern Arizona. UA President Robert Shelton has continued the development and leadership of the Council since fall 2006.
The work of the Council is directed by the Executive Planning Committee that is responsible for setting the agenda for the Council meetings. This committee is also chaired by the UA President and consists of the PCC Chancellor, UA College of Education Dean, Co-Chair of the Pima County State Board/Superintendents Collaborative, another Superintendent, and the P-20 Council Program Director.
The Council's mission, which was adopted on October 2, 2003, is as follows:
"To provide a forum for the education leaders of Southern Arizona to share information and develop partnerships; to critically examine current issues; to solve problems;to influence the legislative and business communities; and to shape the education agenda to better meet the needs of all students."
Meetings Schedule
The Council meets four times a year. The schedule for FY 2008-09 will be finalized soon.