November 2019 School District Ballot Measures
Information related to school district ballot measures (bonds and overrides) for the November 2019 General Election.
Prop. 472 – Altar Valley ESD 10% Override Continuation
2019 Information Pamphlet
Prop. 473 – Flowing Wells USD 10% Override Continuation
2019 Information Pamphlet
Prop. 474 – Sunnyside USD 10% Override
2019 Information Pamphlet
Prop. 475 – Amphitheater 10% Override Continuation
Prop. 476 – Amphitheater 3.5% K-3 Special Programs Override
2019 Information Pamphlet
Public Notice - Request for Pro/Con Statements
Altar Valley Elementary School District (Español)
Amphitheater Unified School Distirct (Español)
Flowing Wells Unified School District (Español)
Sunnyside Unified School District (Español)
Statutes Specific to Override Elections
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-481 (B), the county school superintendent shall prepare an informational pamphlet for the proposed increased in the {school district’s} budget.
“At least two arguments, if submitted, but no more than ten arguments for and two arguments, if submitted, but no more than ten arguments against the proposed increase in the budget. The arguments shall be in a form prescribed by the county school superintendent, and each argument shall not exceed two hundred words…If submitted, additional arguments in favor of the proposed increase in the budget shall be provided in writing and signed by those in favor. Arguments against the proposed increase in the budget shall be provided in writing and signed by those in opposition. The names of persons and entities submitting written arguments shall be included in the informational pamphlet. (A.R.S. § 15-481 (B)(9)).”